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Chapter 1: Introduction

When personal computers were first introduced, most of them came equipped with a simple programming language, usually a variant of BASIC. Interacting with the computer was closely integrated with this language, and thus every computer-user, whether he wanted to or not, would get a taste of it. Now that computers have become plentiful and cheap, typical users don't get much further than clicking things with a mouse. For most people, this works very well. But for those of us with a natural inclination towards technological tinkering, the removal of programming from every-day computer use presents something of a barrier.

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Year Sales
2000 $18M
2001 $25M
2002 $36M

Apollo DSKY
Descripcion del Apollo Guidance Computer
Contacto - Jose Portillo

template<class Cont> struct RemoveMiddle { void operator()(Cont& c, long count) { long cnt = count / 10; if(cnt > c.size()) { cout << "RemoveMiddle: not enough elements" << endl; return; } for(long i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { typename Cont::iterator it = c.begin(); it++; c.erase(it); } } char* testName() { return "RemoveMiddle"; } };